Claude Sonnet 3.5 vs ChatGPT-4o

AI Comparison Series I

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we will compare Claude Sonnet 3.5 vs. ChatGPT-4o in terms of business use cases. As the first version of this series, we will be focusing on text-based outputs.

Reading Time: Approximately 6 Minutes


New AI Models

As you may know, Anthropic recently released Claude Sonnet 3.5, and before that, ChatGPT-4o was released by OpenAI. When Claude Sonnet 3.5 was released, Anthropic published a comparison chart that claimed that Claude Sonnet 3.5 outperformed other AI models such as ChatGPT-4o, etc. So, with those new models, the AI race has become quite intense. In this series, we will be comparing those two popular AI models in order to gain insights about AI models. In the upcoming part, we will test out practical text-based applications such as writing and generating ideas.


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Practical Applications to AI models

In this part, we will be testing out two use cases, which are writing and idea generation for two different models. We will enter the same prompts for the two models and analyze the outputs for both.


Here is the prompt we will use for writing or copywriting purposes:

Act as an expert copywriter to help me craft five copies for our running shoe brand's Instagram post aimed at fitness enthusiasts and runners. The image features running shoes stacked on a rainy day. Keep the copy within 50 characters.

ChatGPT-4o Outputs:

Claude Sonnet 3.5 Outputs:

As you can see, we used the same copywriting prompt for each AI model and got the outputs.

We would like to point out the differences below:

  1. While ChatGPT includes hashtags and emojis according to Instagram, Claude did not mention them.

  2. Tone is more tailored and interactive in the ChatGPT outputs, and more formal and professional in the Claude outputs.

  3. Each of them did not pass the character limit.

  4. Claude makes an additional statement and adds a question at the end, while ChatGPT keeps it brief.


Both of them gave outputs that are related to prompts, but what you can see is that Claude has a bit more targeted, straightforward audience, while ChatGPT creates more engaging social media content that leverages popular Instagram trends and practices.

2.Idea Generation

Here is the prompt we will use for generating ideas:

Act as a marketing expert and help me generate one creative and impactful campaign idea for promoting a new smartwatch. The campaign will be placed on billboards. The target audience includes tech-savvy professionals, fitness enthusiasts, and young adults who value both style and functionality. Emphasize the key features of the smartwatch, such as health monitoring, advanced connectivity, sleek design, and long battery life. Please include attention-grabbing slogans, visual elements, and strategic placement suggestions.

ChatGPT-4o Outputs:

Claude Sonnet 3.5 Outputs:

In this section, we used the same idea generation prompt for each AI model and obtained the outputs.

Here are the things we would like to point out as differences below:

  1. ChatGPT’s prompt response was longer, with 305 words, while Claude responded to this prompt with 254 words.

  2. Both AI models breakdown the responses to the parts. ChatGPT and Claude breakdowns are similar, but not the same.

  3. Claude gives design ideas more straightforward, but ChatGPT approaches are more creative.

  4. In addition to the campaign idea ChatGPT provided interactive ideas in the end, like adding QR codes and adding social media icons.

  5. Claude adds a question at the end to elaborate on any part of the response.


Claude's campaign is good at providing more clarity in the transformation story and more comfort in merging several daily functional devices into one smart watch. However, ChatGPT gives a creative campaign idea by adopting advanced visual design and direct relations with the watch's individual features that show a better side of creativity.


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In conclusion, both ChatGPT-4o and Claude Sonnet 3.5 provide responses tailored to the given prompt and purpose. For the tasks of copywriting and idea generation, we observed two types of responses: straightforward and creative. ChatGPT tends to be more creative, while Claude is more straightforward. Additionally, Claude often concludes with a question, prompting further thought. There is no clear winner or loser in these cases; the effectiveness of each depends on the user's preferences and the type of response they seek. This is it for now. Stay tuned for the continuation of this series!

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