Mind-Blowing Feature of Claude Sonnet 3.5

Discover 'Projects' Feature

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we will explore remarkable ‘Projects’ feature of Claude.

Reading Time: Approximately 6 Minutes


Anthropic Claude Artifacts Feature

In one of our previous newsletters, we talked about the Artifacts feature, and it was one of the impactful features of Claude. Today, we will be sharing features that are as impactful as artifacts. It is called the ‘Projects’ feature. This feature has a different goal than the artifacts feature. Anthropic says it is designed to create separate workspaces that have their own chat history and information. By other means, it creates specialized workspaces for focused AI interactions. In each project, you can upload documents, give context, and have focused conversations with Claude. In short, Claude Projects aims to make Claude better at understanding context and giving help that fits each user's specific needs and tasks. Additionally, this feature is only available in the Claude 3.5 Sonnet version, which is Anthropic’s most advanced model.


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Difference and Capabilities of ‘Projects’

As mentioned above, Claude Projects supports an AI-assisted collaborative workspace with its special capabilities.

Here is what you can do with Claude Projects:

  • Share highlights of your best chats with Claude with your teammates.

  • Provide more information to improve Claude's understanding and skills for the project.

  • Adjust Claude's tone and viewpoint to fit your project's needs.

  • Gather important documents, code, insights, and chat activity with Claude in one place.

With these capabilities and being a context based feature makes Claude Projects different from normal AI models. You can do the things you can not do in the standard model.


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How to Use ‘Projects’ Feature

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to your Claude account

  2. From the main dashboard, click the "New Project" button from the sidebar menu.

  3. Name your Project related to your use case (You can add description, it is optional)

  4. Click “Create Project” to start your new project.

When your project is ready, you can prompt or drag and drop to upload any documents, such as code files, guides, reports, etc., similar to using Claude Sonnet 3.5. You will get outputs like those from Claude AI. The difference with ‘Projects’ is that it makes the model contextual by utilizing additional features. As mentioned, the ultimate goal of ‘Projects’ is to maximize context-based AI outputs. To achieve this, utilizing project knowledge and custom instruction features is crucial for better output. In the next chapters, we will dive into these features.

Additional Note

  1. To share your project, click "Share to Project" in your messages. Note that this feature is only available in the team plan.


Adding a Project Knowledge

When you create a project in Claude, you will see the ‘Project Knowledge’ part on the right. According to the Anthropic, this feature encompasses the repository of information that users upload to a specific project on the Claude. This can include documents, text files, code, and other relevant files. By providing Claude with this rich context, project knowledge enhances the relevance and accuracy of its interactions. As an example, you can add a text-based document that outlines the goals and structure of this project and provides the ultimate purpose in this specific context.

Additionally, each project includes a 200K context window (the equivalent of a 500-page book), allowing users to add all of the insights required to improve Claude's effectiveness.

For example, you can add guidance or knowledge about how your goal should be achieved or what points you would like to consider. By creating a document, you can structure your output the way you want. Suppose you would like to analyze marketing reports, and you would like to provide project knowledge. Here is a text-based knowledge example PDF below. (This document is a short sample document. A project knowledge document can be more specific, detailed, and longer about this specific context.) :

Marketing_Report_Analysis_Guide.pdf1.74 KB • PDF File


Using Custom Instructions

Custom instructions were placed inside the project knowledge, as you can see in the previous part image. Custom instructions are game-changing for Claude because they tailor the AI's responses according to specific guidelines. With this feature, you can provide context, which generates more related output.

When you are typing your custom instructions, you can provide the role, objective, tone, style, and more. This results in specifically tailored AI projects. Here is a short custom instruction example below:

Role: You are an expert marketer.

Objective: Your goal is to analyze marketing reports and create effective strategies.

Tone: Answer with a formal tone.

Strategy Recommendation Format: Recommend two quality suggestions for each issue that you identified.

This instruction needs to be added by using the necessary information at this point.

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